Getting Started Checklist
Your guide for getting started with HHAeXchange
Complete Training
As a first step, you must complete the required training materials found on the Texas Consumer Directed Services Info Hub under the training tab.
Submit the Form
Once the training is complete, make sure to fill out the CDS Training Certification and Attestation form.
Go to the CDS Training Certification and Attestation form →
Access the Services Portal
Connect with your FMSA to ensure access to the Services Portal has been issued. The Services Portal is an online tool used by CDS Employers and CDS Employees to manage visits. Once you have received access to the Services Portal, please sign in and update user preferences.
CDS Employees: Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)
For CDS Employees using the HHAeXchange + mobile app for clock in and clock out:
- Download HHAeXchange+ from the Apple App Store or Google Play
- Complete HHAeXchange+ registration.
- Obtain HHAeXchange+ “Mobile Application Access” code from FMSA.
- Connect your HHAeXchange+ application to your FMSA using the “Mobile Application Access”.
For CDS Employees using the Interactive Voice Response (IVR)/Caller ID to clock in and clock out, obtain a Time and Att. PIN from the FMSA.